Exanaview® is the world's first Augmented/Mixed Reality Spatial Authoring App for ARKit. Users can create additional rooms and spaces in their live environment to expand the size and dimensions of their environment in realtime. The created spaces behave as if they truly exist in the real world environment. The user can select, measure, and place objects on and inside the created spaces. The target industries for this app include (but not limited to) architecture, construction, facility maintenance, interior design, and Building Information Management (BIM).
For ARKit
Real-time Renovation
Architects, contractors, and designers can perform structural modifications to their live environment in real-time without requiring a CAD system.
Renovation companies can immediately show potential clients live previews of renovation changes to a real world environment to reduce iteration time and maximize project wins with those clients.

Manipulate Original Existing Objects in the Environment
Convert original existing objects in real world environment into 3D models that can be manipulated like inserted Augmented Reality objects. Original environment (left). Modified environment (right) with re-positioned couch and rotated rug.
Room Cleaning
Virtually clean a room by mapping and rendering only the walls, floor and ceiling. Capture reference images throughout the real world environment to serve as visual cues when viewing the cleaned room.
Designers can insert furniture, appliances, and fixtures into the clean space to try out new arrangements without disturbing the original room layout.